The Importance of Estate Planning

No one likes to think about their death, especially if you’re young. How much time do you give to thinking about the future of your personal wealth when you’re gone? Planning what happens to your estate isn’t like planning a holiday trip – it’s not fun, but it’s important for your loved ones and your children.


Business Process Outsourcing – Take the Technology View

It’s a given that technology is an integral part of almost all business operations, and savvy business owners, executives, and CEOs are always on the lookout for new ways to leverage the existing technology for further success. Often, the rhetoric is around finding the “value-add” for their customers – but what does that really mean? How can a business optimise their processes and operations with technology to truly add value for their customer?


Super Guarantee – What Happens When You Get It Wrong

The ATO receives around 20,000 reports each year from people who believe their employer has either not paid or underpaid compulsory superannuation guarantee (SG). In 2015-16 the ATO investigated 21,000 cases raising $670 million in SG and penalties.
